What Is The Default
Gather Stats Task?
Out of the box, Oracle comes with a default job, that gathers statistics.
What is this task?
Statistics gathering is implemented using the Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection Maintenance task.
The name of the task is ‘auto optimizer stats collection‘.
The task is scheduled to run during the maintenance window, and it is supposed
to gather statistics on the objects with stale or missing stats.
Why are lots of
people referring to this task as a job?
In Oracle 10G there
was a default job that was gathering statistics (a dba_jobs job).
Starting with 11G, there is no gather stats job.
The information
below applies to 11g and 12c.
Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection.
Oracle has
implemented maintenance tasks, and one of them is the Automatic Optimizer
Statistics Collection.
This task runs a program, called gather_stats_prog,
which in turn invokes the following plsql block:
SELECT client_name, task_name, status,
WHERE UPPER(task_name)=UPPER(program_name)
AND client_name='auto optimizer stats
client_name task_name
------------------------------- -------------------
auto optimizer stats collection gather_stats_prog
status program_action
--------- -----------------------------------------
ENABLED dbms_stats.gather_database_stats_job_proc
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